Vinex Slavyantsi AD is the first winery in Europe and Bulgaria to achieve Fair for Life certification.
LEVA Foundation (from Bulgarian – lions, from Swedish – life) was founded in 2008 by Vinex Slavyantsi, the Swedish partner Hertz Winimport
In 2013 and 2014 Vinex Slavyantsi AD successfully passed an audit carried out by the British company UL VS Ltd., commissioned by the Swedish wine monopoly “Systembolaget AB”

Vinex Slavyantsi, the Swedish partner Hertz Winimport (levawines.com, with whom the Bulgarian vintner has been working since 2000), and a representative of Roma society in the Sungurlare area established the LEVA Foundation (from Bulgarian lions, from Swedish life) in 2008. Its founders are Dr. Biser Atanasov, Georgi Zhekov, and Bjorn Witmark.
The desire for social transformation, better education, and economic support for minority groups living on the outskirts of society, particularly Roma people, was the driving force behind the establishment of the LEVA Foundation. Fair Trade products are proving to be a useful tool in achieving these goals, and BGN 200,000 per year is currently being spent on the foundation’s causes, thanks to sales of LEVA wines in Bulgaria, Sweden, Belgium, Iceland, Denmark, and Germany.
The children of Roma families and the needs of its youngest members are one of LEVA’s top priorities, with a focus on education, learning the Bulgarian language, culture, and short trips and vacations. The foundation currently supports kindergartens in Sungurlare, Slavyantsi, Grozden, Lozarevo, and Chubra, as well as the school “Hristo Botev,” which is also based in Sungurlare. The Foundation also encourages Roma families to strive for a better life by providing opportunities for permanent and dignified work for parents, as well as scholarships for good performance in school, school supplies, and, last but not least, financial support for higher education for those who wish to stay in the region and work in viticulture and winemaking in the future.
The LEVA Foundation is proud that now, more than 10 years after its launch, it has motivated many pupils and students to embark on the world of winemaking and has also given them the opportunity to do so.

Fair for Life
On July 17, 2014, “Ecocert Swiss AG” recognized “Vinex Slavyantsi” as the first wine producer in Europe and Bulgaria under the Fair for Life – Social & Fair Trade program. Employee rights are respected at all stages of production thanks to the certification. It is ensured that employees work under decent, fair, and safe conditions.
“Vinex Slavyantsi” has a long-term corporate social strategy responsibility and sustainable development. The company reports its influence on promoting ethical consumption through the adoption of a Fair Trade policy and thus supports the functioning of the FFLSFTCP concept.
“Vinex Slavyantsi” is committed to long-term corporate social responsibility and development. The company discloses its impact on ethical consumption through the adoption of a Fair Trade policy, and so contributes to the FFLSFTCP concept’s success.
For more information on “ECOCERT IMOswiss AG” and the Fair for Life – Social & Fair Trade Program you can visit the following websites: www.ecocert.com and www.fairforlife.org
Fair for Life is a philosophy, a way of doing business, an environmental protection program, and a value system shared by hundreds of thousands of individuals all over the world. This accreditation assures Fair Trade goods buyers that their purchases help equitable economic and social development, including social and educational development, infrastructure improvement, and environmental project construction.
Fairtrade is a part of a larger trade network that aims to improve international trade equality via conversation, transparency, and respect. Both producers and workers benefit from this system’s social and economic progress. No one in the supply chain, from farmers to consumers, is harmed, according to the philosophy. For workers, this means being treated with dignity and respect, being paid wages, working in a secure and safe environment, and having their human rights respected. In turn, they create a good living for their families, which has a positive impact on society.
The certificate is granted by an independent company – a third party – after independent auditors have verified the certifying company’s social responsibility, fair trade, and environmental policies.
In all future agreements with partners and contractors, “Vinex Slavyantsi” specifies the availability of Fair Trade items. Employees at “Vinex Slavyantsi” participate in the implementation of the Fair Trade policy, which considers the planning and sharing of costs in order to improve working conditions and achieve fair socially-oriented trade and community activities.
Fair Trade products are affordable and their price is determined according to the pricing policy, taking into account the costs of social activities and projects. Some of the funds that are in addition to the price of the product are returned to the Premium Fund with a separate bank account. A committee of workers selected, together with them, decides how to use the social premium only to achieve socially significant and responsible projects among workers and the community.
This program ensures that the products that are certified are strictly
audited according to Fair Trade standards.
In 2013 and 2014 Vinex Slavyantsi AD successfully passed an audit carried out by the British company UL VS Ltd., commissioned by the Swedish wine monopoly Systembolaget AB for the implementation of social and environmental standards set out in the Code of Ethics of Business the Social Consent Initiative (BSCI). BSCI (BSCI) is a European social monitoring system for ethical security set up by the Brussels-based Foreign Trade Association (FTA). The BSCI system is based on the labor standards of the ILO (International Labor Organization) and supports the continuous improvement of the social performance of suppliers.
In accordance with ILO conventions, the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child and the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women, the UN Global Compact and the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises, and other internationally recognized agreements. The BSCI Code aims to comply with certain social and environmental standards. By signing the BSCI Code of Ethics, companies, within their scope of influence, are committed to implementing the social and environmental standards set out in this Code and taking appropriate measures within their company policy for their implementation and implementation. Companies must also ensure compliance with the Code of Ethics by their subcontractors who are involved in the production processes related to the production of the final product sold on behalf of BSCI members.
Third-party audits are one mechanism for boosting social standards, but working in collaboration with suppliers is the key to actual and long-term change. The goal of the BSCI is to reward suppliers who are willing to collaborate.
Companies must focus their development on meeting the following criteria within the scope of opportunities for action and taking suitable measures:
● Compliance with legal requirements.
● Freedom of association and right to collective bargaining.
● Non-discrimination.
● Remuneration.
● Working hours.
● Safety and health at work.
● Banning child labor.
● Prohibition of forced, compulsory labor and disciplinary action.
● Environmental and safety issues.
● Management systems.
Find more information at: http://www.bsci-intl.org/resources/code-of-conduct.